Monday, September 26, 2011

Our Little Monkey at 11 Months

This month, there were far too many cute monkey shots to narrow it down to one or two for this post, so here are all of them! At 11 months, he is still not walking independently, but man can he move around...he never sits still these days, and he is fully animated at all times, facinated by just about everything. One of my favorite things is how he "patiently" waits for me to take a shower, standing with his face and hands pressed up against the glass. He smacks his lips when he is hungry and sees me getting his food ready and he is a phenomenal eater, trying anything and everything that I put in front of him - also anything he finds on the floor :/ He seems like he is trying to talk with a few distinct "words" that sound like "an-YAH," "mum-mum" and "dow-do" (I think he really believes he's making sense!) and he has a cute way of saying bye-bye, which starts with opening and closing his hands and ends with his fingers strumming his lips. He loves playing with balls, throwing them back and forth, and his favorite toys are the wind up cars that Zia Angela gave him, which he loves to watch crash against the wall and then look at you for your reaction to be all smiles like his. He loves his independence, often times throwing his arms up and waving his legs around to shimmy out of your hold when you try to pick him up, he loves to be chased, and he loves climbing up stairs. Fortunately, at least at this point, he know his limits and that he can't go down by himself, so when he gets to the top, he turns around, sits down, and puts his arms up, indicating he now needs to be picked up and carried down. Unfortunately, we had one un-fun "first" this month, and that was his first cold. Turned out not to be anything terrible, just a lot of stuffiness, runny nose, and post nasal drip which didn't slow him down too much (other than for frequent nose-wipings!), but did disrupt his sleep a bit - not that he was in any pain, just a little trouble breathing. Poor thing loves to suck his thumb so much that it was hard to watch him have to stop occassionally to come up for air! Glad that he is finally over that and pray it's a long time before we have to deal with anything worse. Well, this first year is certainly flying by...soon it will be party time!

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