Saturday, September 3, 2011

Baby-Proofing 101

We've been dragging our feet on the whole baby-proofing issue in hopes that we would be in a new house in OC by now, but we couldn't hold out any longer as he is now inevitably into cabinets and toilets as soon as he lays eyes on morning this week, I was getting ready for work, with one hand holding a blowdryer, the other a brush, using one foot to wedger the cabinets shut, and balancing on the other - I felt like I was playing "bathroom twister"...enough is enough...time to call a handyman to do some babyproofing! In a few hours that would have taken us more time than I care to imagine, a gentleman (father of triplets of his own!) came to our house and secured our kitchen and bathrooms with cool little baby-proof contraptions I had never even heard of! Also, we moved Daisy's food and water to her spot in front of the window in the family room, so now the little man has free range of the entire kitchen, bathroom, and hallway! So funny to watch him struggle with all of the new barriers!

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