Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Chubby Cheeks at 38 Weeks

Well, it turns out that our little one is not so little...we went for another ultrasound today and they are estimating that the baby already weighs 9 lbs 5 oz -perhaps I've had a few two many red velvet cupcakes lately?! The good news is that the baby looks very healthy and has cute little chubby cheeks; the bad news is that I will now have to have a c-section, and for someone who dreads the sight of the tiniest needle/prick of blood, this is gonna require a bit of mental preparation...
just gotta keep focused on the prize at the end! Here are some snippets of the 3D/4D parts of the ultrasound - I left out the boring bone and belly measurements and just cropped the face views - you can even see it sucking its thumb in the last one : )

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