Monday, October 25, 2010

9 Months and Nesting

My final belly profile shot at 9 months! Time sure has flown by...can't believe TOMORROW is the big day when we finally get to meet this little bump! 7:30am to be precise. Seems so strange to actually know the date and time, but nice to be prepared! And, oh boy, has my nesting instinct kicked in! This morning Tony and I tackled the last of the junk areas of the house, I hauled a trunk load of items to Goodwill, took the dry cleaning to the cleaners, we had the house and carpets cleaned, I got completely caught up on laundry, got a mani/pedi and I officially finished our Honeymoon scrapbook...whew! We enjoyed our "last supper as two" at The Hungry Cat and now we are just figuring out how we will POSSIBLY be able to sleep tonight?!?! Guess we are as ready as we'll ever goes nothing...!

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