Saturday, October 17, 2009

Field Trip to Edwards Air Force Base

Dad took all of us kids and Grandma to the Air Show at Edwards Air Force Base.

We started out with a great
"down home" breakfast in Lancaster at a place called Karen's Kitchen, then stopped off Avenue G where we got to drive over the Honda Musical Road. Thanks to Aunt Marilyn for tipping us off to this...Honda built this as an advertising stunt - when you drive over it (ideally in a Civic at 55MPH), the grooves in the road "play" the William Tell Overture. Here is a video that someone posted on you tube of the the original road. Apparently, many residents complained of the noise, so they paved over it and moved it to a less busy street not too far away. We couldn't resist driving over it twice!

The Air Show was really impressive...amazing to see these planes take off and land in such short time/distances...pretty crazy how close they are able to fly to each other, too!

After the show, we stopped at Sonic Burger Drive-In for dinner because Gregory and Catherine, after watching too many very tempting

commercials recently, discovered that Lancaster was the closest location to us - so of course, we couldn't pass that up...! All in all, a VERY fun day with "Vacation Dad!"

1 comment:

dodong flores said...

Air shows always amaze me...