Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Three Months!

Three months in and these two kiddos are inseparable - I love it!  This month, Capri is all smiles and doing great with tummy time.  She is NOT so great at sucking her thumb, something her brother pretty much had mastered by this point.  She is also not so great of a napper, just taking little catnaps throughout the day, but rarely a 2-3 hour one.  On the bright side, she is sleeping 8-10 hour stretches at night, so that is fantastic!  HERE are some video clips from the month.
She's getting a lot more "durable" now, so I'm feeling better about when Luca "cuddles" with her.  He continues to amaze me with how creatively he plays with her, pretending she is a robot, or one of his action figures, even pretending to talk for her in a high-pitched "Capri" voice.  One day, he held up her pacifier in mid air and said, "Hey look, a ghost is sucking on Capri's pacifier!"  We also have fun singing "Itsy Bitsy Spider" to her.  Perhaps the best "creative" moment was when I walked into the kitchen one night to find a huge watery mess below the refrigerator water spout and with a COMPLETELY straight face, Luca told me "Capri did it."  Ahh, he is totally understanding the potential of this whole sibling thing...
Morning smiles are the best!

I can't wait for her to have more hair!

Couldn't live without this bouncer!

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