"Is it time for my party yet?!"
"Is it time for my party yet?!"
"Is it time for my party yet?!"
"Is it time for my party yet?!"
That's what this little guy sounded like this morning! At 3 years old, he totally "gets" how cool this whole birthday thing is!
I wish I could remember all of the funny things that come out of this kids mouth, but it's just too hard to keep track! One thing that I thought was particularly cute this month was when he explained that he would protect Capri and that Daddy would protect him...but that I would need to get Paca to protect me because he was MY daddy! He's pretty observant about things like this these days, always amazing me with how much he understands. He can count to about 13 right now, knows a ton of songs, knows his right from his left, and is even doing well at dressing himself. Preschool has been THE best thing for him. His teacher is always telling me how much "fun" he is - I'm just wondering what images in her mind are popping up when she says this!