Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Cue The Choir Of Angels In My Head

I wasn't going to put Luca in preschool until next year, but then Capri came along and my days off got a little, well... CRAZY trying to match Luca's energy while still trying to have quality time with Capri.  So, I took the advice of many wise mom before me and put Luca in preschool for 2 days a week (3 hours a day) and HALLELUJAH! 
Making new friends!

Luca has a blast with kids his own age and I can get a shower, run an errand or two, or play tummy time with Capri without worrying about protecting her from a light saber wielding toddler. 
First day of school and he's already "Luca A.!"
Man, do those 3 hours go by FAST!  I didn't know how he was going to handle it at first, but he did GREAT!  We read books like "Curious George Goes to School" and "The Night Before Preschool" to get him comfortable with the idea of it all and the school is so smart, they had the teacher come meet the kids at their houses the week before school started so that they would recognize the teacher - plus, they started the day in the playground the first week.  Luca didn't give me a hard time about leaving him there for even a second.  The only separation anxiety he had was whining about having to leave his new favorite toy when I picked him up! 
Mimi even came with me his first day and treated us to McD's afterwards.And the best part about all of this is that a majority of these kids all go on to St. Brendan's, so he will likely know most of these kids through high school!

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