Hooray! We have smiles!!! They are still awfully hard to catch on camera, but they are unmis- takably here...Luca continues to adore his baby sister and recently surprised me with THIS conversation:
Luca: I want you to go to the doctor to get another baby in your tummy.
Me: But I don't need any more babies, I have you and Capri!
Luca: But I WANT more babies!
Me: How many more babies do you want?
Luca: 3
Me: I'm sorry, Luca, but I don't think Daddy wants any more babies.
Luca: Then we're just gonna hafta hide 'em!
This kid cracks me up daily. I'm just tickled with how much he loves THIS baby and isn't ready to send her back to the hospital by now!
PS - Memo to me: take more Capri pictures next month!