Monday, April 22, 2013

My Growing Bump

Well, so far, the biggest difference between my first and second pregnancy is that I have FAR less time to blog about it!  The toughest thing about this time around is keeping up with a boisterous two year-old!  When I was pregnant with Luca, if I was tired, I just put my feet up.  When I try to tell Luca "Mommy's tired," he just tells me "Mommy's not tired!  Mommy wants to PLAY!"  The other big difference this time is that I got big VERY quickly, starting to show at 2 months instead of 4 - I guess the body knows the drill and just decides not to be coy about it!

Other differences, let's see...much more tired and more nauseous, and I felt the first kicks at 16 weeks, which was probably 2 or 3 weeks earlier than the first time.  With Luca, I could tell you exactly how far along I was in weeks and days, whereas now I just go by months. 
The most fun part about this pregnancy, of course, is watching Luca's gradual understanding of what's going on here and the questions he's asking.  He asked me "Who put the baby in your tummy?"  To which I easily answered, "Daddy put the baby in my tummy!"  But then he caught me off guard when he came back the next day asking "Where did Daddy get the baby?"  To which I responded, "Umm, why don't you ask him?!" 

One night, Tony asked Luca, "Do you want a brother or a sister?"  And he responded, "I want a dog!"  Then another time, I started to explain to him how I was going to need his help with the baby when the baby will cry and he sweetly said that he would bring the baby a baba, a pillow, and a blanket. 

I've also told him that he will be able to help me teach the baby how to do things because the baby will not know how to do much at first, to which he excitedly volunteered, "I will teach the baby how to walk and to talk and the baby will say "Hey look, I'm talking!"  Now, I realize, this whole "new baby" thing is not going to go over well with Luca from the get-go, but at least I feel like we're laying some good groundwork :) 

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