Sunday, January 20, 2013

Faith, Trust, and a LOT of Pixie Dust!

Only Disney could manage to get 10,000+ women this excited to be up and out in running shoes at 4:30 in the morning!  When I signed up for the Tinkerbell 1/2 Marathon back in June, I hadn't predicted I would be 3 months pregnant on race day! 
But this race is just TOO fun (and too expensive!) to back out of, so I took it easy, having a GREAT time, coming in at 2:48:02.  Pretty painful to see that time next to my name, when I was previously aiming for a sub 2 hour time, but c'est la vie!  The good news is that I should have NO problem improving next year!  Cat, whose arm I basically had to twist to run with me and did no training whatsover came in at 1:56:28, I'm so jealous! 
Poor thing had to wait for me in the cold for almost an hour after she finished!  I love her!  The course was really awesome this year, almost the entire first half ran through the parks and Downtown Disney...and the MEDAL makes it ALL worth it!

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