Thursday, April 26, 2012

Our Little Monkey at 18 Months

At 18 months, this little guy has truly graduated from being a "baby" to a rough and tough little boy!  He boldy jumps from chair to couch, is quite a little climber, and rarely cries when he takes a tumble, which is often!
He is really enjoying playing with all of his toys, is getting into "reading" books with me (which I especially love because that is total cuddle time!), he loves to draw and color - unfortunately, it is not always on paper and often on walls and cribs.  Thank goodness for Mr. Clean magic erasers! 

He has a funny little habit of "hoarding" things whether it be oranges, toothbrushes, or hot wheels cars - he just HAS to hold as many of everything as he can possibly manage.

He is incred- ibly curious, invest- igating every- thing he comes in contact with.  He is working on his somersaulting and about the biggest development lately is how much he is talking now - it seems as though he picks up at least one new word every day!

He and Grandpa are total buds, with quite a little routine of activities including playing in the sink with the water faucet and exploring Mimi's car like it's a jungle gym.  And one of his favorite things is going to Coffee Bean with Daddy for a bagel and a latte, extra foam, hold the latte.

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