Sunday, October 2, 2011

Playing Hard

Luca has really started enjoying toys this month. Tony got him an alphabet train that plays music and he can ride on it. He also bought him this hat, which is too cute! One morning, I came home from a run and found Luca wearing the hat, watching Bugs Bunny on TV while he was swinging his feet eating Cheerios in his high chair.
Also, bathtime is new and exciting again with this cool little water pump toy he got for his birthday...he is a very curious little guy!

And here he "walking" the halls, stopping to dance a little when he hears the music, of course!

But of course, his favorite toys are still phones and remote controls, and sometimes he'd still rather push the stroller than sit in it!

He also was quite fascinated with the bike pump, which I couldn't help from picturing him as Wile E. Coyote, ready to detonate dynamite on the Road Runner!

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