Monday, October 31, 2011

Luca's First Halloween Costume

Of course, I couldn't resist dressing the little guy up as a monkey for his first costume! I dressed up as Jane, too, but couldn't convince Tony to join us as Tarzan ; ) I absolutely love dressing up on Halloween myself, so I was so happy to be back in a costume this year, as last year, I was just 5 days post c-section!

This year, I learned that babies are not big fans of being dressed up head to toe...but all in all, Luca was actually a pretty good sport - here is a cute video of him and Zio Greg in his banana costume from a few years ago!

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Happy 1st Birthday, Luca Tony!

Luca's 1st birthday party was a super fun monkey party at Mimi and Grandpa's house! The first time that we had both sides of the family together since our wedding, there were a whole lotta Italians are a few favorite snapshots, with rest in THIS LINK.

And here is a video of him going for his cupcake, which he wasn't really interested in when actually sang to him, but enjoyed getting messy with after the party died down...

Video in link below

Friday, October 28, 2011

Amat Homecoming 2011

A fun night at Kiefer Stadium for Amat Homecoming against because we went with Kathy and Uncle Fran & Aunt Cherie, but less fun because we didn't win :(

Mom got Luca his own Amat onesie for his first football game and I got mistaken for "Miss Lima" by a parent of one of Cat's teachers yet again!

Luca really enjoyed the night, captivated by all of the sights and sounds, but started to get tired at half time, so Grandpa graciously offered to take him home, as he was also getting tired at half time!

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Our Little Monkey at 12 Months

Oh. My. Gosh...HOW is it possible that I have just snapped the 12th and final monthly monkey pic?!?! Where do I begin with this update?! He's still not quite walking yet, but he is "walkering" with random toys/objects that he can push and walk behind; he mostly still just crawls since this is so much more efficient for him. He is absolutely obsessed with ceiling fans (or as he calls it, "schfaahn...") at each of the granparents' houses - thankfully, the Grandpas humor him with endless patience turning them goes for light switches! He is just fascinated by this right now! He loves when we take him to Giggles N Hugs for a quick night outing, meeting Tony there after work for dinner and playtime. He's gotten a few more teeth on the bottom, bringing the current count up to 6. He's graduated to a bigger carseat, but still has to face the rear for another year :( He LOVES eating, especially foods that he can feed himself, and you know when he's full when he tries to feed YOU instead! He's starting to enjoy his toys, though remote controls and cell phones are still his preference - and his favorite thing has got to be music. He bounces his head and body every time he hears it and even knows how to turn the stereo on in the bathroom, often times starting to bounce before the music actually starts, just because he knows it's coming! He loves playing peek-a-boo, even hiding behind a blanket by himself, shouting his version of "there he is!" when he reveals himself. Even though he can't talk, he definitely communicates - when you pick him up, he sort of "directs" you where he wants you to take you, giving a "giddy up" motion with his legs and leaning with his arm stretched out in th direction he wants you to take him. He may not use actual words yet, but I am convinced he thinks he is talking, in his own adorable gibberish. Some words are actually recongnizable in the right context, like "thank you" when he hands you something, repeating what we say (though it sounds nothing like it!) Also, he points to his nose when you ask him where it is (most of the time, at least). It's amazing to me how much is already in his brain right now, how much he really understands, but just can't communicate to us. It will be such an wonderful thing to hear this little guy start talking in the coming months - and I have a feeling in a few years he is going to be a major question-asker :)

Sunday, October 23, 2011

A Pumpkin For My "Punkin"!

Last year, Luca was a little too little to take to the pumpkin patch, but this year it was perfect because he was old enough to take a cute picture, but not old enough to ask us to stay at the carnival that they had set up there!

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Playing Hard

Luca has really started enjoying toys this month. Tony got him an alphabet train that plays music and he can ride on it. He also bought him this hat, which is too cute! One morning, I came home from a run and found Luca wearing the hat, watching Bugs Bunny on TV while he was swinging his feet eating Cheerios in his high chair.
Also, bathtime is new and exciting again with this cool little water pump toy he got for his birthday...he is a very curious little guy!

And here he "walking" the halls, stopping to dance a little when he hears the music, of course!

But of course, his favorite toys are still phones and remote controls, and sometimes he'd still rather push the stroller than sit in it!

He also was quite fascinated with the bike pump, which I couldn't help from picturing him as Wile E. Coyote, ready to detonate dynamite on the Road Runner!