Saturday, August 6, 2011

Our Little Monkey at 9 Months

NINE months?! How is this year going by so fast and how can I slow it down?! This month has been pretty full of milestones. He now crawls on his hands and knees rather than on his forearms and he pulls himself up onto everything he touches, whether it's sturdy or not. In the beginning, it was quite commical, because he had to concentrate so hard to pull himself up, but then he'd find himself stranded, not sure how to get back down or what to do next!

See video on youtube HERE

Also, it would be so cute when he would get to the standing position and then see something he wanted to play with, but he couldn't support himself and hold the object, so he would push it onto the floor and then carefully sit back down to play with it - but THEN, he figured out that if he balanced himself on his forearms, he could stay standing while holding the object...clever!
He is a pro now, even conquering stairs with ease! Now, with all of this increased mobility and courage have come a few battlescars, but fortunately no blood yet. The good thing is that he seems to be pretty tough, not really crying unless it's truly a hard hit - like when he fell off the bed one morning, on MY watch - that was a tough one - for me more than him :/ This month he's been rockin' the denim diaper and he has an adorable fascination with ceiling fans - really light fixtures in general though, he seems to look at them wondering why they aren't moving.

His new word this month is "dat!" and he continues to say mamamama and dadadada, still without truly associating it with each of us, AND he even says "day-dee," which we are convinced is "Daisy." He also likes to make his voice reverberate by moving his finger in his mouth from one side to the other. One of his favorite activities lately is reorganizing the tupperware cabinet, he loves drinking water out of a cup, continues to be a great eater opening his mouth super wide for each bite, and he HATES getting his mouth and hands wiped at the end of meals. He twists and turns trying to get out of his carseat and stroller, generally just never sitting still and he is officially no longer a good churchgoer. Every night it just amazes me how MINUTES before bedtime he can be BOUNCING off the walls, zooming all across the bed as I try to change him, and then fall asleep within like 60 seconds of nursing him...and I NEVER get tired of putting that precious baby to sleep at night.

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