Saturday, March 26, 2011

Our Little Monkey at 5 Months

Luca is five months old and we haven't run out of monkey outfits yet for these monkey pics! And, as Grandpa says, "Wow, that monkey keeps getting smaller!" How I wish that were the truth - he's already growing up too fast for me! He now rolls both ways, can support his head with his arms stretched out on his tummy, reaches for things (mostly to put them in his mouth!) and is starting to play with little toys and rattles, mainly the kind that make little crinkly noises. Probably the coolest thing this month, though, has been his little belly laugh. Tony does a little "Jaws" routine with him that cracks him up every time. Also, he is starting to pay more attention to Daisy, especially when he is in his jumper, since that puts them at eye level. We think he thinks she is a walking stuffed animal. I'm guessing it won't be long before Daisy is his favorite toy - I'm also guessing that Daisy will start finding new hiding places in the house : )

1 comment:

mimi said...

you are NEVER going to run out of monkey clothes! it's like no other animals exists to the clothing companies. monkeys are on every stage of clothing benny has had. but i'm supposing that's good news for you :)