Saturday, February 19, 2011

And For His First Trick...

Luca worked really hard all week at mastering his first trick, rolling from his back to his stomach. Here is an early attempt last weekend, where the funniest part was that, in the process, he managed to turn a complete 360 degrees on his back like the hour hand on a clock, but never quite made it onto his belly...

Later in the week, he was getting closer, just couldn't quite make it over his arm...

Click here to see on You Tube (too large to post)

Then this morning, 30 seconds after I put him down in his crib so I could grab something in the other room, I came back in to find him like this...I missed it!

At last, when we went Mimi and Grandpa's later today, I got it on camera and it was a perfect 10! Ironically, once he finally does make it over, he quickly remembers how much he still hates to be on his tummy!

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