Saturday, February 26, 2011

Our Little Monkey at 4 Months

If the outfit he is wearing here looks the same to you as the one he is wearing in his 2 month picture, you are right...I was practically in tears when he outgrew the first one I loved it so much that I ordered it in two more larger sizes (would have ordered it up to 6T if they had it)!

At 4 months old, Luca is more and more fun every day. He is all smiles all day with me, but when he is with his daddy, he is all LAUGHS, too! Bathtime is one of my favorite times of the day because he is starting to learn how to splash and, after the bath, I get to cuddle him up until he is all nice and warm, cozy and dry in his super cute monkey towel.

He is also doing MUCH better at tummy time these days, now that he can prop himself up on his elbows. He often even prefers to sleep on his tummy (just like his mommy). Speaking of sleeping, he now almost always goes to sleep on his own, soothing himself, rather than needing someone to actually rock him to sleep. I sometimes like to just listen to the monitor as he sings to himself.

Also, our house is continually being taken over by all of the toys that I insist he "needs," including this latest, the quasi-walker. I love that he kinda looks like a little executive kid at a play desk! Not only is this his first big toy, but it also marks my realization that kids toys have LOTS of parts to put together...geesh!

Friday, February 25, 2011

Luca's First Concert...Kinda

Hilarious footage of Tony and Luca watching a Journey concert on TV last night...

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Anchors Aweigh!

Gregory took Mom to the Mother Son dance this weekend. This year's theme was a nautical one and Mary Grace Lima never backs down from a costume challenge...I may be biased, but I'm willing to bet they were the best dressed there by far! Ooohhhh, I can't WAIT to get to go to a Mother Son Dance with Luca some day!!!

Saturday, February 19, 2011

And For His First Trick...

Luca worked really hard all week at mastering his first trick, rolling from his back to his stomach. Here is an early attempt last weekend, where the funniest part was that, in the process, he managed to turn a complete 360 degrees on his back like the hour hand on a clock, but never quite made it onto his belly...

Later in the week, he was getting closer, just couldn't quite make it over his arm...

Click here to see on You Tube (too large to post)

Then this morning, 30 seconds after I put him down in his crib so I could grab something in the other room, I came back in to find him like this...I missed it!

At last, when we went Mimi and Grandpa's later today, I got it on camera and it was a perfect 10! Ironically, once he finally does make it over, he quickly remembers how much he still hates to be on his tummy!

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Dr. & Mrs. Allevato

Congratulations to the newest Allevatos, Mikey and Imelda! Their Valentine Weekend Wedding was absolutely beautiful with about the most amazingly perfect weather, too - in February, no less! Imelda did such a great job of planning. Every table had a Valentine-themed name and there were hearts and roses everywhere.
Mikey serenaded Imelda with a song he wrote himself and they even had a gelato bar! An "international" wedding, Imelda's sister read the first reading in Spanish and Angela read the second in Italian. Also, Tony gave a GREAT speech as Best Man!

My little man got all dressed up in a button down collared shirt and sport coat (drool-drenched, by the end of the night!) I think it's pretty funny that he has already mastered his daddy's trademark "deer in headlights" camera pose!

Imelda had us all wear different gowns in the same color - cool idea!

And we got a nice little family shot...sure was fun to get all dolled up - first time in a looong time!

Friday, February 11, 2011

He is 17, Going on 18...

Friday night we all got together in Paul and Erin's new neigh- borhood to celebrate Gregory's 17th birthday at Gus's Barbeque.

This was the first time that Luca has been perfectly behaved and happily passed from lap to lap at a restaurant - hooray!

Its' official, Grandma Lima is the current leader in the category "Cutest picture with Luca" - I'm pretty sure this is a post patty-cake smile : )

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Never Wake a Sleeping Baby

I'm realizing now that this is not really a "fair" picture because it would suggest that we have to drive around every night to get him to stop crying and go to sleep. On the contrary, the little guy is actually a very good sleeper. He goes down very easily and so far his record is 12 hours straight, but that has only happened twice. He usually wakes up once in that 12 hour stretch, but fortunately, he always goes right back down, and to be honest, I'm not really ready to give up that precious quiet midnight mommy and Luca time yet! The actual reason he is sleeping in the crib in the carseat is because we didn't get home from Mike and Imelda's rehearsal dinner until after midnight and I like to follow Mimi's wise advice that you "never wake a sleeping baby"!

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Luca's First Super Bowl

Well, Indianapolis didn't make it to the Super Bowl this year, but that didn't stop Tony from making us all wear our Colts shirts for the party! Thankfully, we toned the party down from last year, so we had a manageable 30 or so people comfortably eating and watching the game, rather than having to move out furniture from the bedroom to accomodate everyone!

Here's me and my future little Lancer quarterback!

I swear the little guy was actually watching the game with Tony!

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Smiling in His Sleep

One of the funniest things Luca does is smile, sometimes even laugh, in his sleep! Even as a brand new little newborn he would do this...makes my heart melt every single time : )