Saturday, June 5, 2010

4 Months...Goodbye Waistline!

17 Weeks...time to start taking monthly pics of my growing belly...this one is at approximately 4 months and the baby is about the size of a sweet potatoe. I'm finally looking a little more pregnant and less like I simply had a big lunch!

18 Weeks...woke up one morning and when I rolled over from my side to my back, my belly was lop-sided so I could actually "see" where the baby was positioned!

19 Weeks...woohoo! I actually felt unmistakable movement from the baby! Kinda like bubbles/butterflies...can't really feel/see anything from the outside yet, but hopefully soon! Side note: I told Tony how I read that the baby can actually start to hear our voices now, to which he responded with what he assumed might be the baby's first thoughts/observations:

1) Wow, my dad is REALLY funny!
2) Geez, I can't believe my mom watches the Bachelor!
3) Who's Daisy...? DO I HAVE A SISTER?!

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