On the positive side though, this was the coolest doctor visit so far because we got to watch the baby for about 20 minutes on a big plasma on the wall (yes, Tony asked if it got any other channels...!) Their technology was amazing, as part of the ultra sound was done in "4D" and you could actually make out facial features, arms, etc. They even gave us a DVD to take home, which I've posted in the links below with a little soundtrack added:
Click Here ---> 13 Week Ultrasound Video
The baby is only the size of a peach right now, but from what I read on "The Bump" this week, the baby is already approaching normal proportions, with its head now only 1/3 the size of its body and it's even forming its teeth and vocal chords - I may not find this amusing once they're functional in the early weeks, but it's cute to think about now!