Thursday, May 29, 2014

9 Months!

9 months old and this baby is getting way too big way too fast!  Luca is by far her favorite person in the world and Thank The Lord, it is still reciprocated!  The two of them play together all day long.  He entertains her in such and adorable and goofy way - I REALLY need to get this on video!  She loves getting laughs out of him, repeating whatever it is to get more laughs. 
She likes to blow raspberries on my arm, she walks around things and gets herself trapped under chairs and tables, she has four front teeth that are SHARP, she climbs stairs, eats Puffs, is starting to watch the TV when it is on; she says "mamamama..." but Luca immediately tries to coach her to say "dadadadadadada" instead! 

One of her favorite things to do is rearrange my Tupperware drawers and pull out all of the water bottles that we store in the wine rack.  She gives great kisses, and one of the biggest milestones this month is how much she and Tony are starting to bond.  Can't wait to watch this girl wrap her daddy around her finger in a few years!