Sunday, January 31, 2010

Sixteen Candles

I'm not sure how or when we came up with the crazy idea to
have a birthday party for Daisy, but I'm sure glad we did!

It was really just an excuse to have a party for all of our friends' kids, but I'm pretty sure the adults had just as much fun as the kids. Tony even had the kids race each other in teams through Daisy's Dogstacle Course - check out the video HERE.

Daisy got a new argyle birthday sweater for her special day and Avery hardly left her side the whole party!

Daisy needed a little help blowing out her candles from Natalia and Avery...we all enjoyed the ginormous cupcakes while Daisy celebrated with a Frosty Paw ice cream cup. Funny to think that Daisy and Gregory both turn 16 this year!

Click HERE for all the pictures.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Cousin Night

Super fun Saturday night with Cat and the Little Lima's... the first pic is after their fantastic show of the boys dancing like street rappers with the moves they learned from Scott and the girls were beautiful dancing princess brides...
..the second pic was from when we set the timer on the camera and then jumped onto the couch for the picture...

Favorite quotes from the night...
as they were trying to operate the cd player...
Alli: Hold on, we're having medical difficulties
Adam: I think you mean technical difficulties
Avery: Hey Catherine, you know how at Christmas you sang that "if-you-are-falling-i-will-catch-you" song? We HAVE that CD!

as they were doing stunts/flips on the giant bean bag...
Catherine/Carly: Yikes! Guys, be careful!
Alli: Oh don't worry, we never get hurt - I mean, we probably will SOME day, but we haven't yet!
as I was taking drink orders for dinner...
Carly: Austin, what would you like to drink?
Austin: CokeCarly: Hmmm, are you allowed to have Coke?
Austin: y-y-yes (but honestly shaking his head "no")
as he finished his grape popsicle and we both looked down at the small purple puddle below him...
Austin: I didn't do it
we both look up from the puddle to each other
Austin: I didn't MEAN to do it
as we were working on our monkey crafts and I finished doing Austin's...
Austin: And the winner of Next Iron Chef is....Austin!!! Hey, why are you guys still even working on yours - it's over, I won!
Alli (to Carly and Catherine): Hey, we saw pictures of you guys when YOU were little!
Ezra: And I saw a picture of YOUR dad with MY dad on his BACK!
Carly: So you saw a picture of my dad when he had all his hair?
Alli: Yeah, I thought he was wearing a WIG!
What a fun night...can't wait to do it again!